Sunday, January 4, 2009

Run on the Mall

Another week of TNT is down! Don't I look so cool in my picture? I should quit my job and become a model. As you can see, yesterday our Saturday run took us around 4 miles on the National Mall--something that makes me feel like a true Washingtonian. It's hard to hate running when you are surrounded by all the monuments. It was a cold start, but once we got going, it was a perfect temperature to be up and out! There are some crazy fast runners in this season's group! I feel like I am running with the Kenyons! Take that back, I feel like I am getting my ass kicked by them, not running with them. This time around, I'm going for more of the zen running, not talking about pace and time. I think I might like it better that way.

After the run a few of us went to Einstein's and got some bagels. I know I know, it was only 4 miles, the carbo loading isn't really necessary, but I like to use that excuse as much as possible during the training season.

Before the run, we had a guest speaker come and provide us a bit of inspiration. The woman who spoke was Mary and she has done TNT a bunch of times and like anyone who has done it, is obsessed. She began running with TNT to honor 3 of her friends who had just lost their battle to leukemia. Mary hadn't ever run before, and decided to complete the San Fransisco Nike Women's Marathon with TNT. At around mile 18, as all of us do, she hated her life and didn't want to continue. At this point, the crowd wasn't large, but all of a sudden, she heard a women going absolutely crazy on the sidelines. Finally, Mary had gotten close enough and could hear the woman pointing to her little two year old girl, yelling out, 'This is why you do it! This is why!' and Mary finished the marathon super strong. She went on to say to remember these stories when we don't want to get out of bed in the morning to run, when the runs get tough. Then, she said, you know, TNT throws out a lot of sayings, motivational quotes, but she said the one quote, 'Saving lives one mile at a time' is more than a fundraising quote for us to use, it is the truth and to remember that and be proud of that. Needless to say, Mary's little speech was very inspirational.

It's kind of funny because my posts always seem so serious when I talk about TNT and running, and I am a very sarcastic and jokey type of person. I can't help to talk about these stories, it's what this is really all about.

On Friday, a bunch of my teammates are coming over my house for dinner and some board games---just because we all have to run the next morning doesn't mean we don't have to be hermits on Friday nights!
That's it from me. I have an early morning Monday run tomorrow, so it's time for TV and bed.......happy running, don't forget to smile, GO TEAM!

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