Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So done with winter

Oh it’s almost the end of another week. My running schedule has been a little off the past few days because of a little event we had down here called the Inauguration. I think Friday-Tuesday night was the closest thing to a Spring Break DC could ever have. I am so excited and happy that I got to be here to experience such an historic event. On Monday night, I got a ticket to a pre-Inaugural party hosted by down the street from me in an art gallery. Heather Graham and Rosario Dawson hosted the party and then there was a musical performance by Dela Soul and Moby. It was probably the coolest thing I have ever been to, might be the coolest thing I will ever go to.
Tuesday morning I woke up at 6:30 and turned on MSNBC to see a view of a packed Mall. I couldn’t believe how many people were already down there. Kerry and I walked down and by 7:45 we had assumed our spot on the Mall. I have never seen so many people in one place before, felt such a level of excitement and been so in awe of what was happening. It’s completely mind numbing to think that one man has been able to engage and motivate and give hope to so many people. Whether you are for Obama or not, it’s hard to deny the huge significance yesterday was.

As a result of standing in the cold for ten hours, I now have a nice cold. I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a truck. Work was not very much fun, and I dreaded the thought of going for a run. I got home, put on my running gear and just thought I would give it a shot, if I felt like crap, I would just stop. I ended up running a 5 mile hill run and felt pretty great the whole way-go figure! While I still feel like crap, I feel better about myself getting back on track with the whole running thing, as I said, with all the events going on this weekend, I have been not so disciplined. It definitely affects my mood when I don’t get out there and run, so this is good to be getting back into my routine.

This Saturday’s run marks the beginning of all double digit long runs. We kick it off with a nice ten miles this week and just take off from there. I am looking forward to being with the team and running with everyone again this weekend. While I was on my run tonight, there were a few points when I got disgruntled with my run and thought that I can’t do this. I guess I lack that bit of self-confidence—I know real big shocker for all that know me. I hold such doubt in myself and it’s frustrating because I really wonder what I could do if I didn’t think so negatively about myself and my capabilities. I think that when I’m running with the Team, those doubts aren’t as rampant, because I have people all around me pushing me forward.

I have to say though, this season, I am learning to fake my confidence so to speak. I have teamed up with a few other team captains and I am really starting to work on being a better runner. Last Wednesday, I braved 20 degree, 5:30am wake up call to meet two of my teammates at the track nearby for a speed workout. I was intimidated, but completely excited to go. Tricia and Michael are both really fast. Tricia played Field Hockey in college, is on her 7th marathon, training for an ultra, and is newly Boston Qualifier. Michael has done 5 marathons, a bunch of triathlons and is a Navy Seal. I played basketball from 4th grade through senior year of high school (kicking ass while at it) and was an All State Field Hockey goalie that had to learn the art of running in college in an effort to stay in shape. Cleary, these two have a few years more experience than I do. We ran 4 repeats this session that included running two laps around the track in a time that you desired. Michael explained it to me this way: Pick your goal time for the marathon, so I felt very aspirational and said, 3:45, to which he said, okay, then you will want to run around the track twice in 3 minutes and 45 seconds. By the end of our sessions, we will work our way up to running these repeats 10 times and if you can do them 10 times in 3:45, you will run your marathon in 3 hours and 45minutes. Hmm, yeah, I wanted to run home when he said that. But no, I wasn’t going to give in. So, off we were. The first two laps, I ran it in 2:43, then 3:00, then 3:15 then 3:40. I saw the light of God each time I did these repeats, convinced I was going to die. Tricia and Michael were consistently half a track in front of me, which is slightly degrading, and yet, motivational. I made it my goal to have them not pass me. Again, I started to doubt myself and give up because I wasn’t as fast and thought that I just plain old suck. Truth is, I had to remember this is about me, not them, and I have to start somewhere—even if it is in last place. Our workout was done before the sun came up that day, giving me enough time to take two, yes two, showers. I was frozen to the bone.

Michael also gave me some information regarding a local swim team up at American University. He knew that my “ten year plan” is Ironman, and that I want to get into triathalons next, but do not have access to a pool. Apparently, for 50 bucks a month, I can go and swim at AU every night, with coaches at a practice and it’s beginner through elite. I definitely plan on getting in on this, maybe this season. I am so excited, I am starting to feel like an athlete again!

So that’s basically life now. Monday run, Tuesday 6:30am spin, Wednesday speed workouts around the track or on the Hills (alternating each week), Thursday run, Friday spin, Saturday long run, Sunday 2 mile run and perhaps treat myself to yoga, or start swimming. In between, I will be eating LOTS. Are you all jealous?! I know it’s packed, but other than work, I really have nothing else going on in my life. Hmm, does that sound pathetic?

That’s it for me. I’m off to try to sleep off this annoying cold.

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