Monday, March 24, 2008


This was a big week for Team In Training-Recommitment was upon us and we had to resign with the team based on if we felt we could raise all $4000 dollars by May 16th. I am not a quitter and I know that this is the best thing I could ever participate in, so I resigned. It is scary though I am only at $1700 dollars and the thought of having to back the rest of that money up if I don't raise it is terrifying. I have to continue with this challenge though. Here are the reasons why I have chosen to do a marathon and complete TNT:

. To help find a cure for all those people-men, women and children-who are afflicated with blood cancers.

.To prevent any family from having to go through the pain that it is to have one of their own suffer from blood cancer.

.To raise money to find a prevention for blood cancer.

.Because one day, someone in my family, one of my friends, one of my friends children, or coworkers, etc. could be afflicted by the illness.

.To prove to myself that I am a runner and I can run 26.2 miles.

.To prove to myself that when I put my mind to it, I can achieve whatever it is.

.To show my family and friends how far I have come in 5 years and that I will live my life to the fullest and appreciate every moment.

.For my Uncle Charlie who emulates, for me, how much of life and the world there is.

.Because I CAN.

It's about stepping outside of yourself. Anything is possible. So possible that none of us are immune to cancer. Just because you haven't been affected directly at this point does not mean there is no reason not to help. Running a marathon for me is possible. I have enough family, friends and coworkers in my life that raising the funds should be possible. Those close to me may never fully understand the emotions and the sense of fulfillment this opportunity provides for me, because they will not be there running with me. However, those close to me have the amazing opportunity to contribute to this cause and be a hero with me.

Other than the recommitment, I went home this past weekend for Easter. Kerry and I ran our 10 miles in Chatham. We risked our lives on busy streets with no sidewalks. Oh and then there were the constant inclines and hills. Running with Kerry was great, but we definitely missed the Team and also the fun trails in the DC area. We did manage to hit up a bagel place after our run, however, have no fear.

This coming weekend we are running in the National Half Marathon. Other than that, it's been a fairly quiet week, just the norm.

Please be sure to check out my site and help make a difference with me!

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