Monday, March 3, 2008

Team Hector WOOP WOOP!!!

Another week down and what a week it was! Between working 12 hours a day at my job and running, I was so busy, trying to squeeze in time to get everything in! On Tuesday I ran a quick 3 miles in between work and meetings later that night for work. It was a nice night on Tuesday, not too cold and a break in the rain.
On Thursday, Kerry and I ran the 3 miles together. We did my little loop that has 2 really nice sized hills. Did I mention that it was about 25 degrees out when we ran? Yeah, about that. I doubled up on my socks and my gloves. It is amazing how much the technical clothing does keep you warm and dry though. I think we ran a fast 3 miles just to get out of the cold!
Saturday we met our Team In Training folks out in Ashburn, VA--about 35 minutes away out in farm country. The Potomac Running company put on another shoe seminar for us, and then we headed out onto the trail to do 8 miles. It wasn't sooo cold that morning, but the wind was downright vicious. Not to mention, I was not thrilled to run 8 miles surrounded by farmland. I'm not a nature lover, I like to run in the city where there is lots to look out, and car fumes to inhale. The first 2 miles of the run were against the wind, the next 4 were with the wind, and the final 2 miles were against the wind AND uphill. I felt pretty strong for the first 6 miles, but those last two were a killer. Maybe it was the lack of things to look at, but I couldn't help getting the you're crazy to think you can run 26.2 miles thought out of my brain. I'm not gonna lie, I had to even say it outloud. So, I asked my teammate Moses who had ran a marathon before, when does it get easy. And he laughed, saying, it doesn't get easy until the taper weeks. It's just so frustrating to go out week after week and still struggle, and not feel really strong. But his words really encouraged me that I'm not alone. In addition to his comforting words, there is always the encouragement of running with the team. Not only were the Team In Training runners on teh path, but the Team In Training cyclists that are training for the Century Ride in Washington on the path as well. Everytime we passed either a runner or a cylcer, everyone cheered 'Go TEAM!' It's those little things that I absolutely love about this whole experience! It's so great to be a part of a team again. And it's SO nice to run with other people, laughing and talking along the way. I ran the 8 miles in a 1:09, so I was pretty happy with that-wanted to die, but still happy. Then we went back into the Potomac Running Store where I proceeded to spend money because I was like a kid in a candy store! Technical clothing just does it for me, what can I say?
We have been spoiled by these short runs that reality is starting to set in. Next Saturday, we are scheduled to run for 2 hours. Mind you, the last time I ran for 2 hours, I ran 13.1 miles. So apparently, I am running a half marathon on Saturday! On Sunday, Kerry and a few of our friends are doing the St.Patty's day run in DC. We are just going to have fun with it--dress in ridiculous garb--ie. green and white top hat with orange beard. Oh yes, you better believe it! At the end of March, a bunch of us from 'Team Hector' are going to run in the national half marathon here in DC together as well! So it's pretty evident that my life is slowly being taken over, but I love it!
Speaking of 'Team Hector,' we are working on that name. I told Kerry that we should just write 'Asshole' on our arms when we run in the marathon, because we are assholes for coming up with the idea to do this. That way when people yell to cheer for us, they would say 'Go Asshole!' Anyways, it's kind of been the standard joke now. I guess Kerry mentioned it to our Captain Hector and he thought it was great haha. Clearly, we will not be representing the 'Leukemia and Lymphoma Society' under such a title, but I know I will be chuckling to myself throughout many of those miles at the thought of 'Team Asshole.'
Anyways, that is all for now. I am hoping that the cold weather is just about over. I am also hoping that I can actually do this.
Please check on my progress on my site! I am almost at $1000! Which, to be honest, is not that great compared to my teammates! Da I hope I can raise the money!

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